The Black Mamba is a stealthy and portable conduction vaporizer for vaping dry herbs, at a very affordable price. Its compact design makes it the perfect vaporizer for discretely taking with you on the go. So if you’re just starting out with vaping, or looking for a compact and stealthy vaporizer to carry around, the Black Mamba vaporizer might be the perfect choice for you.
Sleek and elegant design
The large ceramic oven makes it possible to load the device with up to 0.65 grams of dry herbs per session. A magnetic mouthpiece makes it incredibly easy to load and unload your Mamba. It has an all-glass vapour path and a food-grade mouthpiece, which is also made of glass, resulting in a pleasant and smooth tasting vapour.
The Mamba’s beautiful tear-drop design with soft cover makes it fit nicely and comfortably in your hand. The device is compact enough to easily fit into a purse or pocket, making it the perfect vaporizer to carry around, without drawing too much attention.
Easy to use
The Mamba features 5 pre-set temperature settings, ranging from 180°C up to 220°C. These settings are stylishly displayed by LED lights, turning from red to green, letting you know when you’re ready to get started!
The Mamba has an impressive heat up time, due to a powerful built-in 1600mAh battery, so you can have your first draw in under 30 seconds. The device can easily be charged with a micro USB cable, included in the box. An automatic shut-off timer makes sure that the device is completely turned off after 5 minutes of vaping fun.
Who is it for?
The Black Mamba vaporizer is an ideal choice for anyone looking for a discreet, yet powerful conduction vaporizer at a very affordable price.
What’s in the box?
- 1 x Black Mamba Vaporizer
- 2 x Glass mouthpiece with metal filters
- 1 x Packing tool
- 2 x Cleaning brush
- 1 x Tweezer
- 1 x USB charger
- 1 x User guide