The Zeus Arc is a compact and high-end vaporizer for vaping dry herbs, engineered in Germany, by the company Zeus Arsenal. This powerful, yet sleek looking vaporizer is available in 2 different variants, the Zeus Arc and Zeus Arc GT.
Luxurious design
With its stylish black anodized aluminium cover, the Zeus Arc is an absolute eye-catcher. The Zeus Arc has a luxurious feel and features a unique built-in magnetic multi-tool. This multi-tool is made of anodised aluminium and can be used to stir your herbs around in between sessions. A built-in scoop enables you to funnel your herbs into your vaporizer, making it incredibly easy to load up the herb chamber of the device. This herb chamber is large enough to hold up to 1,3 grams of dried herbs per session.
With a height of just 87mm, the Zeus Arc is one of the smallest high-performance vaporizers on the market today. But don’t be fooled by its compact size. It takes only 45 seconds for the Zeus Arc to reach your desired temperature and the powerful built-in 3500 mAh battery will deliver up to 90 minutes of vaping fun without having to recharge the device. This makes it an ideal vaporizer for taking with you on the go, effortlessly fitting into your pocket or purse.
One button control
The Zeus Arc can easily be controlled by the press of a single button. Simply hold and press the power button to turn on the device. You can swap between the 3 pre-set heating cycles by tapping the power button again and the stylish LED lights will indicate when the device is ready for your selected heating cycle with temperatures ranging from 205°C up to 225°C.
This clever little powerhouse also features haptic feedback, providing you with a gentle buzzing sensation to let you know the vaporizer is good to go, or when the device is turning off. You can also shake the device itself to check your current battery life. An internal accelerometer detects the user’s movements and automatically shuts off the device if no movements are detected within 30 seconds, helping you to preserve your precious herbs.
Who is it for?
The Zeus Arc is an ideal choice for anyone looking for a high-end, yet compact vaporizer for vaping dry herbs, that delivers vapour quality of the highest quality with optimal ease of use.
The box contains:
- 1 x Zeus Arc Vaporizer
- 1 x USB Charging Cable
- 1 x User Manual
- 1 x Packing Tool
- Cleaning Supplies
- 3 years manufacturer's warranty