Boundless is known for its innovative, yet reasonably priced vaporizers. The CFV is Boundless’ first full convectional vaporizer!
Upgraded version
Puff Puff Palace offers you the new and improved version of the CFV!
The heating mechanism of the new CFV is comparable to the Boundless Tera, which means the CFV is more powerful and produces a more powerful vapour and a cleaner and even better flavour.
The herb chamber is solid and made from stainless steel and is no longer removable. An improved battery life and a more efficient steel screen in the mouthpiece make this version complete!
The CFV from Boundless is their first full convectional vaporizer, which produces a cooler and better tasting vapour and provides a higher efficiency than a traditional convection/conduction hybrid vaporizer. The CFV creates heat outside of the herb chamber and then transfers the heat to the chamber, which means the insides of the herb chamber only gets heated when you’re inhaling!
Simple and straightforward, yet high quality
This vaporizer is made to give the user an easy and flawless user experience. Simply open the herb chamber by twisting the mouthpiece, pack the chamber fully but lightly with your favourite herbs and turn on the vaporizer. Set your desired temperature (between 60°C and 230°C) and allow for the device to heat up for a maximum of only 30 seconds. An icon will appear on the screen next to the temperature indicator to let you know you are ready to vape!
The box includes:
- Boundless CFV vaporizer
- Extra herb chamber screens
- Waterpipe adapter
- USB cable
- Cleaning tool
- Stir tool
- Manual