The Riggo is an innovative concentrate vaporizer that can be used on the move as a pipe, or at home with your favorite bubbler in e-nail mode.
While its features may make it similar to a Proxy vaporizer by Puffco , its price is much more affordable (and its format more compact)! The atomizer does, however, require a little more careful maintenance, and will need to be replaced more regularly.
- Materials: quartz, aluminum, food-grade silicone...
- Both nomadic use with its silicone pipe and sedentary use in the form of a Ø 14 mm enail
- Quartz heating element
- USB-C charging
- Battery: 1000 mAh (about thirty heatings at maximum temperature)
- 5 heating levels
- Ambient lighting (can be switched off)
- Charging current: 5 V / 1 A
- Operating voltage: 3.3 - 4.2V
- Dimensions in pipe mode: 10.3 x 9.8 x 3.2 cm
- Dimensions in enail mode: 11.2 x 4.9 x 2.8 cm
- Colors: black, blue and green (subject to availability)
Box contents:
- 1 x XMax Riggo vaporizer
- 1 x USB-C cable
- 2 x O-rings
- 3 x pipe cleaners
- 3 x cotton swabs
- 1 x dabber
- 1 x user manual (English and French)
Spare atomizers may be advisable, as they have a limited lifespan. They can be found under the ''vaporizer accessories'' segment.