The Boundless DV8 vaporizer was developed in cooperation with industry leader Boundless Technology. Boundless Technology's advanced temperature control technology has been combined with a robust, yet elegant design to present an advanced vaporizer like no other.
The DV8 is equipped with an innovative heating system and a proprietary ceramic chamber that ensures even heat distribution to ensure optimal extraction while preserving the aromas of the terpenes. A user-friendly interface provides convenience and efficiency.
The DV8 is equipped with an innovative heating system and a proprietary ceramic chamber that ensures even heat distribution to ensure optimal extraction while preserving the aromas of the terpenes. A user-friendly interface provides convenience and efficiency.
- Full temperature control up to 240 degrees Celsius
- Hybrid heating (convection and conduction)
- Ceramic chamber Zirconia drip tip (magnetic)
- 5-6 sessions per charge
- 40 minutes to fully charge
- Robust housing
- Full metal housing
- Integrated storage pods and stirring tool
scope of delivery
- 1 x Boundless DV8 Vaporizer
- 1 x LiPo battery
- 1 x Zirconia Drip Tip
- 1 x Cleaning Brush
- 1 x Stirring Tool
- 1 x USB-C Charging Cable
- 5 x Stainless Steel Chamber Strainers
- 5 x Stainless Steel Mouthpiece Strainers